Postal tickets will be dispatched 21 days before the event. E-tickets can be found by logging into 'My Account' (below) under the 'E-tickets' tab.

Privacy Policy for Private Hirers

How we use your personal information

If you book Exeter Corn Exchange for an event we might need to ask you for some personal information to allow us to process your booking. Most of this information will be on your application to hire but we might need to contact you (usually by email or telephone) if we need further information.

What we will do with it

We will use this information to contact you in order to make sure that we have full details of your requirements and to allow us to send you essential information such as invoices. We will not use your data for any purpose other than facilitating your event. We will not share your data with any third party, including your own customers, without your expressed permission.

How long will we keep your information?

We will store personal information securely for three years after your last booking and then it will be disposed of in an appropriate manner. What will happen if you don’t provide your personal information? If you do not provide the relevant information to us we will be unable to agree to you hiring the venue.

More information

Exeter Corn Exchange is part of Exeter City Council. Click here to see full details of the Councils data protection policy.